VA Financial Services Center

My Role: UX/UI Lead

The problem

The Financial Services Center at Veterans Affairs manages over 100 applications for the financial processes for all of VA, and each one had its own look and feel and little to no UX consideraton during the planning and developing process. The UI for these applications were often 20 years out of date in design, usability, accessibility and front-end coding standards.

The Solution

Implement a design system that would standardize design, usability, accessibility and front-end coding best practices, and also implement UX processes (research, iterative design with wireframes and prototyping) that dovetailed with the existing Agile development processes.

Design System

I presented a UX vision to the Director of FSC that included the concepts for a standardized design system and the UX process that would leverage this system and industry best practices for UX research and design. Once this vision was approved, I designed and developed the UX Component Library that was the core of the system.

Developers copied code from the library for quick interface builds, while project managers and accessibility testers referenced it for design, usability and accessibility standards.

site template example
site template example

UX Processes

I worked with and educated stakeholders and managers on the planning and devlopment teams to build support for implementing UX processes and industry best practices for UX research and design. Once these processes were adopted as standard operating procedure, I produced UX artifacts during the early stages of product development.